Software Engineering Capstone
Software Engineering Capstone (formerly known as Mobile App Challenge) encourages UC
Merced students to develop innovative software applications for today’s industry
and societal needs, and currently involves students in the Software Engineering CSE 120
Partner organizations and companies provide problems and software projects, and play a vital role by helping the students gain real-world experience and skills that will carry them into their future careers, while the partners also get solutions to their own software and data management needs.
The Software Capstone provides UC Merced's Computer Science seniors opportunities to learn and contribute in teams that include practicing professionals from partner and sponsoring organizations.
The Software teams focus on design and development projects chosen based on their potential for significant near-term effects on communities, organizations and/or industries in the region. The commitment of the teams and partners, combined with the richness and intensity of the Innovate to Grow competition, greatly enhances the software engineering experience.
Industry partners contribute sponsorships to the program's operation, and each project sponsor’s involvement ranges from providing funds to the Innovate to Grow program, to engaging students in industry experiences.
We seek opportunities for students with partner organizations and industries to collaborate, discover solutions to common problems, create and streamline networking, and increase both radical and incremental innovation.
As industries and organizations become increasingly knowledge-based, and as products, processes and business systems become more complex, UC Merced computer science and engineering students are becoming an essential part of the industry and are contributing to regional economic, social and cultural growth.
You may search all past projects of Innovate to Grow since 2012, and current student teams and projects.
You may propose a project that can be evaluated for fit in Engineering Capstone, Software Capstone, or an internship, or potentially collaborative research with Faculty at UC Merced.